Category Archives: Uncategorized
It takes a lot to impress me
But these are simple, fascinating, elegant. Bringing the promise of what computer controlled fabrication can do.
Klamet country
The Klamath mountains are in eastern California and Oregon. In old accounts, I sometimes see it spelled “Klamet”, as in this account of an expedition by Lt. Charles Wilkes in 1836. The area is referred to as “Klamet country”. There … Continue reading
Posted to Wattpad
My novel has been posted on [iframe width=”500″ height=”280″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”” src=”″ ]
Announcing in the quietest way possible
In this small little corner of the net, I’m posting a mostly complete version of the novel I’ve been working on for the last few years. It may not be quite ready for prime time, but it has been long … Continue reading
Simple Realizations
There are 3 kinds of people: Those who accept the status quo Those who recognize the status quo as insane Those who recognize the insanity of the status quo and are willing to devote themselves to changing it
Lawrence has a subreddit on Reddit
Recently, Reddit has become the site I visit most frequently. And, indeed, Lawrence has a subreddit. Not a lot going on there yet, but I suspect that may change.
Is college worth it?
This article in the NY times makes a convincing (to me) argument.
Boycott Black Friday
Let those who work at the big chain stores, usually for close to minimum wage, have their holiday. See this story from CNN
The more things change…
Ralph Gage’s tweet of a William Allen White editorial reminded me of an event in my life. From 1997 to 1999 I had the good fortune to work at Kennedy Space Center on the Space Shuttle Program. I made no … Continue reading