The more things change…

Ralph Gage’s tweet of a William Allen White editorial reminded me of an event in my life.

From 1997 to 1999 I had the good fortune to work at Kennedy Space Center on the Space Shuttle Program.  I made no secret of my Kansas roots and gladly bore the good-natured teasing about “Toto” and tornadoes.  You may recall that during that period the Kansas State School Board raised objections to the teaching of evolution in our schools.

About that time the teasing stopped.


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Wal Mart Trickery

I am finally getting around to recording a Wal Mart practice that is clearly meant to be misleading.

If you look at the seafood freezer you will see their frozen shrimp.  Shrimp is graded by size– the number per pound–so you might see a package of say–41-50/lb.–.

At most grocery stores, the packages will contain a pound of shrimp, or perhaps multiple pounds.


WalMart packages have the size of the shrimp, and since you see the “per pound” label, you would also assume that that the package contains a pound, but I noticed that the package sizes are usually 12 oz. , sometimes 14.

Clearly misleading.  I avoid buying shrimp there whenever I can, and I have changed my shopping practices.  I do not buy exclusively from local grocers (their big chains, too), but I do buy as much as I can, and I do buy from Checker’s, the one local grocer (or at least the smallest chain) whenever I can.


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You’re voting for who?


  1. You won’t tell us how much you make
  2. You don’t like 47% of us
  3. You are a member of the party who was on watch during the financial meltdown, caused, in large part by your buddies.  You also have this guy, Paul Broun, and Todd Akin (links are to videos, see for yourself).  Both of these guys (err. bozos) are on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.  Are you kidding me?
  4. Your balanced budget isn’t balanced, but at least it is funny.
  5. Where healthcare is concerned you are a hypocrite,

Any one of these alone is enough reason to vote for anyone else, but all together is….

My vote will be wasted in Kansas, but it will be for someone who is at least less of a problem.


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You think America is screwed up?

If you do, and I would agree, here is the most reasonable explanation I have ever heard, backed up with data.

Richard Wilkinson’s TED talk on income inequality.

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American Competitiveness

The man who influenced business to companies to:

  • cut costs
  • try to dominate a niche in the market
  • differentiate their products

has a new focus, U.S competitiveness.

Michael Porter, a professor at the Harvard Business School,  he is leading the t;U.S. Competitiveness project.

I found the reference on CNN Moneys site, an encouraging sign that the movement has visibility.

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Changes on the LJW blogs and comments

The LJW is changing their reader blogs.  I know I haven’t posted in a while, but in preparation for those changes, I’m setting up this blog independently.

You can still go to  my original In Simple Words blog with over 150 In Plain Sight entries.

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