Category Archives: InPlainSight

Weekly photo

A photo of a subject or location taken somewhere in or near Lawrence, Ks. Info on how this game is played   The Carnegie Library building at 9th and Vermont.

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In Plain Sight 10/4/2017

Another image from an obscure (or not) location in Lawrence. Info on how this game is played The back of the Aladdin Cafe

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In Plain Sight 9/25/2017

This week’s image of a secret location in the greater Lawrence area. Here’s the background for these posts. From the Japanese Friendship Garden next to the Wakins Museum

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In Plain Sight (9/13/2017- early)

I’m out of town, so wanted to get the image up early this week. This might be an easy one…. I’ve kept them all downtown up to now.  Will that trend continue?  This will go on the Lawrence Subreddit tomorrow. … Continue reading

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In Plain Sight 9/7/2017

Below are images of a location in Lawrence, Ks. The locations are usually popular, common, or specifically noteworthy.  This post is a contest that invites readers to identify the subject or location.  Additional images will be added regularly until someone … Continue reading

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Where is this?

Several years ago I had a blog on the LJWorld website. One of the things I did was to take pictures of various subjects around town, crop the image to make it barely recognizable, then invite the readers to identify … Continue reading

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Where in Lawrence?

Now that I’m working back in Lawrence, I can wonder around downtown and take photos. The LJW used to allow some of us to post to blogs which they gave visibility to on their front page. Here is a link … Continue reading

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